It is not necessary to pay your ticket prior to filing an appeal. Please wait for the outcome of your appeal to be determined
prior to making payment.
*You may appeal tickets within 96 hours (4 days) of the ticket issue date or by the close of the next business day,
if the citation was issued on a weekend. The registered owner of a vehicle is legally responsible for payment of parking
fines, even if someone else parked the vehicle illegally. This citation is presumed valid.*
Appeals will not be granted when based on ignorance of the law, having no prior offenses, failure to follow posted signs,
inability to find a legal parking space, failure to permanently adhere city vehicle decal or zone permit by stated deadline,
parking in a designated handicapped parking space without the proper permit, inability to pay the fine, or because you or
others previously have parked in a similar fashion.
It is the responsibility of the appellant to present information that would invalidate the ticket. Reasons that might
warrant invalidation of the ticket are: evidence of illness that necessitated the violation, mechanical breakdowns that were
handled in a reasonably expeditious manner, documented officer error, or other circumstances that are unusual enough to warrant
special consideration.
The facts of the appeal will be reviewed by a representative of the traffic division of the Police Department , who shall
determine whether the appeal should be granted or denied, and you will be notified of their decision in writing.
It is the appellant's responsibility to find out the status of their appeal. If you do not receive our response letter within
3 business days from the date your appeal was submitted, please call our office at (434) 970-3146 to find out the status.